Friday, December 19, 2014

My thoughts on: Kendall Jenner

Hey everybody! It's been a while since I post here, A couple days ago I read an open letter a girl wrote to Kendall Jenner I'll link that HERE

So I've been giving this letter a lot of thought, before going in with this interview It's appropiate to mention that I come from an average middle class Mexican family, so there's not a real personal motive for me to be more on Kendalls side on this one

The open letter begins saying: 

"Take a moment and remove yourself from your current situation, if you can, to a life that isn’t riddled with excess and only hearing the word “yes” to your wants and requests."

Well now somebody is telling us what to do with our lifes based on an vague idea of what these are like, that's cool

These model writing the letter then goes on and rants about being from a Third world country and mentions that the only way to get a better life is by being a "High fashion model", moving at the age of 17 and living in precarious conditions while your agency's account is built up in debt. 

In a very passive agressive way she says, "Take this into perspective, Miss Jenner"

Moving along she takes you to a mental place where you already lived trough all of this, and you get your big break in Fashion Week with Marc Jacobs, she mentions the fear of your outfit being cut from the show and the struggle that is going trough fitting (poor you being responsible with your job, such a sad situation) and to being the ending of this letter she says:  

"But wait, isn’t that a reality TV star over there in hair and makeup? Yea, that’s definitely a Kardashian or something. What is she doing here? Did she take the subway? Was she at the casting? What agency is she with? I didn’t see her last season … Does she need MORE fame? MORE money? A green card perhaps? Doesn’t she get enough cash from that show that all of ignorant America glamorizes? Didn’t her sister have sex with someone on camera and profit from the video sales to get their family its new line of limelight? This girl didn’t do and doesn’t owe half of what you did (remember, you’re NOT “KJ” in this scenario) to get here today, that much is certain. Her mommy surely called a top agency, got her in the door and the design houses just chose to milk her fame like the cash cow that it is. One by one like dominos from Vogue to Givenchy, fashion is selling out to the ignorant masses for money. What happened to the art, the cerebral part of fashion? Did it really all die with Alexander McQueen?"

Although all of this plays with our heart strings, reading carefully trough it and analyzing her words she is first bashing, someone who is giving her the opportunity of her life, a once in a lifetime opportunity for that matter, then she goes ahead and calls every viewer "ignorant", Now all of the mentioned above can be viewed from different perspectives and different ideas, to me it's pointless to rant about this, you have once chance to show who you are on the runway, why stress yourself out with something you can't control

But this is surely not what I want to talk about in this post. I believe NOBODY should apologize for the life they were born in, telling Kendall Jenner she can't model because she is a Reality TV Star is like telling that Third World Country woman she can't because of her ethnical, social or economical background, I didn't choose to have the life I have, It just happened to be that way, and this model wouldn't be complaining if it was her who had Kendall's spot, we are born in different situations, we all have our own stories and our own past, the point of modeling is being able to leave all of this behind and transporting yourself to wherever the designer needs you to be, regardless of whomever is in that runway with you.

As a conclusion to this, why shouldn't someone be allowed to live his or her life? Be thankful for the opportunities YOU have, instead of promoting hatred towards someone because of the opportunities this individual has had, as C.S. Lewis once said "Hardship often prepares ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny" Take this into account the next time you bash someone for having a certain type of lifestyle that's probably easier than you own.

Don't get bitter, just get better.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

OOTD: Grayscale

Hat: Bratz
Sweater: Basics
Shirt: Nelly
Pants: Bonjour Bizou
Shoes: Bonjour Bizou
Purse: Windows on the World


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Miss Stardoll World

Everyone wants to be famous. Humans love to be noticed, to stand out from the crowd, to be able to say to themselves "I always knew I was special" or "You can do anything if you put your mind to it" or "I knew I deserved this."

MSW is Stardoll's way of making you feel special. If you even make it past the first round, there is a feeling of satisfaction, a feeling of achievement.

But what makes winning an online pageant a feeling of validation?

At the surface, it seems like validation. It seems like you have joined the ranks of the elite, the important. Stardoll puts a lot of effort into making you think MSW is worth competing in.

If you win MSW, you get Stardollars, Starcoins, automatic Royalty, free Superstar membership, etc. This makes it seem like a great deal. Sure, maybe you spend a few dollars of real money to get Stardollars to spend on broadcasts to promote your doll, but surely if you won you would get your money's worth back, plus some. Maybe this is true, but millions of dolls actively compete in MSW each year, each of them spending money to promote themselves. What are the chances you will actually win?

Stardoll has created the perfect set up to make themselves a huge amount of money each fall. They even upped the price of broadcasts from 5 Stardollars to 8 Stardollars, so that you can't buy as many broadcasts as you normally could with your Stardollars, causing people to buy even more Stardollars to send even more Stardollars.

The first year I joined Stardoll, I spent over $100 in real money promoting myself. Of course, nothing came of it. Most of the people who said they voted for me actually didn't, and I didn't even advance to the semi-finals. At 13, $100 was a huge amount of money for me, and I regretted it for a long time after when I didn't have the money to buy anything I wanted in real life. It was a waste of time, money and effort to run for MSW.

Before you go, I'd like to leave you a fact that might help you decide whether or not to spend your money on MSW.

Your chances of winning are 1 / 336 223 351, or one in over three hundred million chances of winning. Is MSW really worth your money?

Friday, September 5, 2014


Bad quality & small photo, sorry about that (future photo's will be much better quality. I had to screenshot the outfit from my album.) This is the outfit i wore a couple days ago but i wanted to post it anyway. 

Coat- Tingeling
Blazer- It girls
Skirt- Archive
Shoes- Pretty n' love
Hat- No brand

- bella_luvs_u

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

New Media Partner!

We're proud to Introduce our new media partner The Experience Stardoll! A brand new blog with an innovative idea and point of view on stardoll's day to day activities 

 Click Anywhere to visit!
Click anywhere to visit

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

*Song of the week*

The song of this week is Uptown girl by Billy joel, being one of the top hits of it's time this song was the inspiration for Bang's banner! Enjoy and comment! 

Free Graphic!

Want a free graphic made by me? All you hvae to do is enter BANGING! Graphic Raffle.

The rules: 

Write down your username in the comment section
Bring ONE follower to the blog, have him/ her comment
Must be a public follower

That's it! Easy Breezy ! Winner will get a free graphic of their selection and the person you invited (or invited you) wins a free headshot with a hair do of their selection! So hurry and enter!

This raffle will end on September 15 and the winner will be announced the next day! Good luck!!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Coming with you with a....

A Brand new project brought to you by XxSophiie.LuvxX (A.K.A. Pablo) , Gang  Bang, is a new blog dedicated to fashion, art, pop culture and everything Dollywood Related! Featuring soon our very own BANG! Magazine the model search is open! Comment with your name, username and a photo of your doll with no make up, face masks or hair below

Hoping to see ya' soon with mind blowing, articles, Reviews, and the latest news I shall say goodbye for now! 

Keep Banging x.o. P.